Felix Morgan
Oct 17, 2017
|1 min read min read
BADCamp — here we come!
amazee.io is a sponsor of BADCamp this year, and we’re so excited to support this Drupal Conference created by and for the incredible people of the community...
The latest stories, news, events, and more, from the world of amazee.io.
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amazee.io is a sponsor of BADCamp this year, and we’re so excited to support this Drupal Conference created by and for the incredible people of the community...
How was my DrupalCon Vienna? I’m so glad you asked! It was a whirlwind. We may or may not have had a few Wiener Schnitzel meals during this week. But it was ...
Felix Morgan has joined the ranks of our Austin team as Marketing Coordinator and we’re excited to have her. Felix comes to us from a background in communica...
Next to the Heidelberg zoo, beautifully framed with trees and the river Neckar, around 70 Drupalistas met for 2 days of sessions, sprints, and BOFs at Drupal...
In the beginning of June, just before Austin begins actual summer (100°F or higher), I attended Texas Camp as both a speaker and volunteer. The amazee.io tea...
In the week since the amazee.io team returned from DrupalCon Baltimore, a lot has changed. Namely, we added two new people, and in doing so, doubled our tech...
amazee.io has many things to celebrate right now, including new hires. We are excited to welcome Jon Clark to our team. Jon joined amazee.io as an account ma...
The past few weeks have been busy. Very busy! First there was Mountain Camp, situated in the snowy white scenery of Davos, in Switzerland. Around 140 Drupali...
As I type these lines here in Switzerland, my colleagues in the states aren’t yet awake. I’m keeping busy, working with customers and managing the on-call du...
It’s that time again: DrupalCon is looming on the horizon. The DrupalCon session team did an awesome job selecting sessions, the BOF schedule is posted, AirB...
This weekend I attended DrupalCamp Colorado — first time attendee, first time sponsor. To start, I want to give a shout out to the camp organizers, they did ...