Michael Schmid
Oct 6, 2017
|2 min read min read
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How was my DrupalCon Vienna?
I’m so glad you asked! It was a whirlwind. We may or may not have had a few Wiener Schnitzel meals during this week. But it was the best kind of busy.
The amazee.io booth
For the first time we had a large booth where we could showcase all the things we’ve been working on for the past months. On the big screen we showcased our recently open-sourced Docker for Production system Lagoon.
Lagoon is pushing the boundaries again for developer-friendly hosting. The crowning achievement in Lagoon is Docker in Production. It’s everything you love about Docker, combined with everything you love about Drupal. You can all about it here.
We also brought our Cluster, which we have set up on a bunch of Raspberry Pis ,and invited everyone to try and break it. Seeing people pull the network cables of our Galera Cluster is a lot of fun. It’s exciting to have this fun setup to demonstrate our innovative hosting technology in an easy and playful way.
Our booth kept us busy and we didn’t get to see as many sessions as we would have liked. Lucky for all of us there are recordings! These are some of my top picks:
Anatomy of DDoS
Suzanne from Cloudflare talks about DDoS Attacks. Her talk is a good primer on the evolution and types of DDoS attacks. If you want skip the introduction part and want to see how DDoS attacks are mitigated jump to 22 minutes into the talk.
Life on the Edge : CDN and HTTPS Delivery in 2017
If you want to get up to date on how HTTPS Delivery is done with the latest state of the art technologies this will be your talk to listen in. From Round Trip Optimisation to HTTP/2. David Strauss also touches briefly on the future things coming up speak QUIC, HTTP/s push and Brotli compression.
Building Site Reliability Engineering: A Crash Course
Amin gives a very good primer on Site Reliability Engineering and the challenges they faced establishing it.
Looking forward
As most of the attendees of DrupalCon already know, there won’t be a DrupalCon Europe in 2018, but there will be a lot of camps. We have already started planning which camps we will attend. I’m excited to be able to visit new places and be part of the amazing Drupal community that lives on past DrupalCon Europe, as well as continue to spread the word about the exciting work we’re doing at amazee.io.