Benefit from Lagoon - even while running your own Kubernetes clusters

Introducing Lagoon-as-a-Service

If you already have Kubernetes clusters running but want to deploy your applications with Lagoon without the need to run your own Lagoon Core, consider Lagoon-as-a-Service. You can connect your current clusters to Lagoon Core, still while maintaining full control.

Retain control

We consider Lagoon-as-a-Service our “middle ground option” for companies who need to remain in control of their own clusters, but still want to benefit from all Lagoon has to offer. On one hand, you could download Lagoon and run it all yourself - which can be labor intensive.

On the other hand, our Dedicated Cloud offering entails managed Kubernetes services - meaning you don’t need to run your own clusters at all. If you find yourself needing something in the middle, LaaS is the perfect fit.

Reap all the benefits of Lagoon with LaaS, like:
  • Full control over the K8s clusters that Lagoon deploys into
  • No need for anyone else to access your K8s clusters
  • No need to manage or maintain Lagoon Core - this is done for you by our expert team
  • Access to the amazing and thorough support

How does it work?

To start using LaaS, you will install Lagoon Remote, the bridge between your Kubernetes Clusters and Lagoon Core, and its optional dependencies. Remote registers itself in the Core, and from there, you won’t have to worry about it.

Start using Lagoon in just one day with Lagoon Remote.

With LaaS, we won’t have access to your clusters - they’re entirely in your control. But by connecting them to Lagoon Core, your organization is able to deploy, monitor, and manage with Lagoon. does all the management, monitoring, and upgrading of Lagoon Core, so you automatically benefit from these changes. You’re simply responsible for ensuring that your Lagoon Remote install is kept up to date.

You will have access to’s global support service, who will be able to assist you with some of the more common issues encountered, as well as being able to escalate to the Lagoon team. You’ll also be kept up to date with information on product releases and updates necessary to keep your Lagoon Remote in sync with Lagoon Core.

Who is LaaS perfect for?

Do you like Lagoon or want to use it but already have experience running your own Kubernetes clusters? LaaS is for you.

Have you considered running Lagoon Core all by yourself but got overwhelmed - thinking it seemed complicated, or maybe you lacked the staff to manage it? LaaS is for you.

Are your security requirements so strict that no one can access clusters except your own team? LaaS is for you.

Could I eventually run my own Lagoon Core after using LaaS?

Yes - we allow people to start in LaaS and move into Core. In this case, you’d migrate everything to your very own Lagoon Core, if you want to run it all by yourself. You can take back total control at any time - we’re just here to help.

How much does LaaS cost?

This will depend on a lot of factors, and since LaaS is a customized and flexible solution, we want to make sure you’re only paying for what you use. Our pricing model for LaaS is customized per person and per business. Contact us today for a price quote for using LaaS.

To learn more about how LaaS might be a fit for your needs, contact us for a one-on-one consultation.