Bastian Widmer
Jul 25, 2017
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Next to the Heidelberg zoo, beautifully framed with trees and the river Neckar, around 70 Drupalistas met for 2 days of sessions, sprints, and BOFs at Drupal Business and Community Days.
Instead of taking a flight to the conference, Michael and I instead joined our colleague Josef in his camper van. road trip!
The first day started with a good intro session where the organizers expressed their gratitude to the attendees and sponsors for supporting the camp. If you hadn’t seen, due to the number of camps happening in the region, the camp struggled to secure the necessary funds to run the camp.
Luckily, generous Drupalistas stepped in and bought tickets to the camp, despite the uncertainty that it would run. showed its support by both sponsoring and providing free web hosting for the camp site.
We spent the first evening of camp at BräuStadl with the folks from and shared many good discussions. It’s fun to meet other hosting providers, to share challenges we all face.
After a few good German beers, we headed back to the youth hostel we were staying at and had a good night’s rest.
Saturday (the second day) started with a breakfast followed by sessions, which I attended. The camp featured a business and a community track with a lot of interesting topics.
Michael gave a session about GraphQL and React and then another session talking about the history of Amazee and how the company has grown from one company to seven.
The second day concluded with a great BBQ.
Thanks again to the organizing team who put countless hours into preparing the camp and making it a success! It’s nice to have such great camps just a few hours away from Switzerland.