Felix Morgan
Oct 17, 2017
|1 min read min read
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amazee.io is a sponsor of BADCamp this year, and we’re so excited to support this Drupal Conference created by and for the incredible people of the community.
BADCamp is a “celebration of open-source software” held annually in Berkeley, California. At this free event you can attend sessions, participate in summits, give or receive trainings, and roll around in the ever-inspiring community of Drupalistas.
Not only is this my first event as Marketing Coordinator for amzee.io, it’s my first Drupal event ever! Furthermore, while I feel I know my coworkers at amazee.io very well thanks to our distributed team savvy, it will be the first time I’ve met several of them IRL. Coming to work for amazee.io has been like coming home and, from what I’ve heard, the passion, energy, and close-knit community I find so wonderful about my team are characteristics shared by the Drupal community at large.
I’m so looking forward to learning a lot about the people and the projects that get them most excited and sharing more about the projects that we’re giddy about right now too.Stop by our booth to hear about Lagoon, our entirely open-sourced Docker in Production hosting platform. You can also get your hands on our cluster which we have running on a series of Raspberry Pis. You can unplug them one by one and watch our fail-overs in action. We’ll also have candy, stickers, and (especially when I’m there) UNLIMITED HIGH FIVES.