Felix Morgan
Jun 11, 2018
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Drupal Camps play a different role in the community than the larger Con events, and Texas Camp is a great example of what makes them so great.
amazee.io supports many camps, including this annual Austin-based one, offering free hosting for their sites. The Texas Camp website is a beautiful thing, using both Drupal and React to showcase what the Amazee Labs Austin team can do in terms of functionality and design. You can view the public repo on Github.
We’re proud that our hosting solutions offer the flexibility to empower developers to push the envelope and change the way people approach both Drupal and the web in general.
Our distributed team is very close knit, despite the miles between us. It’s always exciting when we get to see each other IRL and we spent lots of together. Working next to each other, we shared delicious food, beers and board games, and I (carefully) tried out Michael’s futuristic one-wheeled transportation thingy, sensibly called One Wheel.
As the resident marketing and social media enthusiast, I like sneaking selfies or pictures of the engineering team, especially when they are deep in technical conversations. I caught this one of Tyler while he and Michael were talking about all the exciting things happening with Lagoon, our next generation next generation, open source hosting environment. Tyler was preparing a demo for his talk, Drupal, Docker, DDEV, and Beyond.
The lineup at Texas Camp this year was really stellar, with a wide variety of topics including a really fantastic keynote from Nikki Stevens on inclusivity and diversity in tech, a topic that is close to my heart.
If you watch one video from this event, let Nikki’s be it.
If you watch two, let Michael’s keynote on the Future of Drupal be your second.
Although I’m not attending trainings or giving technical talks, I still love attending camps, where I get to see and be part of the Drupal community spirit. Despite my lack of technical nerdery, I was able to contribute in my own nerdy way. I gave a real great lightning talk at the closing session called Spoilers…The Secrets of Plot and Structure in Film. It blew people’s minds. Ask me about it!
Can’t wait to see y’all next year!