Whilst the team has been hard at work on Lagoon 2, we’ve still found time to squeeze out a round of improvements, updates and bugfixes!
We’ve also had to push out a quick 1.9.1 release to fix up a couple of unfortunate regressions – thank you so much to our customers and users for helping us to get to the bottom of the issues so quickly!
You can read the full release notes here:
API & Authentication subsystem
- Here a couple of small bug fixes to remove some hard-coded service names, hosts and ports, fix a permissions regression (non-admins can now run some queries that we inadvertently blocked them from) and an SQL error when removing notifications.
- We also fixed an issue with Active/Standby when used with a particularly long routes string.
Admin & User Interfaces subsystem
- A fair few fixes here to the Problems Database and Notifications systems here – watch our feeds for a webinar in the next few weeks to give an overview of what it is and how it works.
- The whole support team thanks Davis for fixing the SSH self-service page – it now displays fingerprints and automatically tidies whitespace and comments from keys! 🎉
Build & Deploy subsystem
- We have introduced a new readiness check into the PHP CLI pods – this will help our systems to fully complete any deployment or unidle steps before receiving incoming connections. This step is only available in the v1.9.0 images onwards – we’ve added a check in v1.9.1 to ensure that older images can still run, but won’t have this check in place, so you should consider updating soon!
- A lot of work in here has been towards tidying up some of our automated backups, fixing errors, paths and making the systems more reliable.
- For our customers that have multilingual or multi domain sites that use a specific subdomain to determine content, you can now configure the creation of these prefixes for all autogenerated routes (e.g. feature/development environments) – so that any logic in your application that uses prefixes will also work!
- We’ve also started the process of consolidating our shared database provider logic – we can now specify a database target for a specific project independent of a code update to the project – which will allow us to transition sites to the newer mariadb-dbaas resource type from the mariadb-shared version.
Operators & Provisioning subsystem
- As part of the preparation for Lagoon 2.0, Ben has done some awesome work refactoring how we provision and deploy sites. We’ve introduced this functionality now to allow us to forward test – it’s not currently available in production, but expect to hear more from us about it in the coming weeks.
Base Images & Testing subsystem
- Our testing setup has been the centre of a lot of attention this month, and we’ve added a few tweaks to our process to reduce failures, reduce unnecessary test cycles and provide a more reliable testing platform for our developers.
- We’ve made the usual round of improvements to images – re-pinned the curl version, updated our Nginx version, removed a tricksy dual python install, swapped wget for curl.
- Also in preparation for Lagoon 2, the Helm charts deployed as part of the k8s-tests are now sourced from our charts repo, instead of being built inside the Lagoon repo – again, expect to hear much more from us on this soon!
Documentation & Examples / DX subsystem
- Some more continuous tweaks to our documentation in preparation for a major overhaul to appear super soon – watch this space!
Automation, Services & Helpers subsystem
- As part of the larger piece of work on Lagoon Insights – this release includes a basic key/value store for environment level “facts”, which can also be exposed in the UI. We’re really excited to see what can be done here, and we’ll be hosting a webinar in early October to cover the interrelated components – problems, facts and metadata, and what their potential uses are.
Lagoon 2.0 is closer than ever. As always, if you have questions, comments, or want to contribute, just get in touch!