Nicole DeAngelis
Sep 14, 2020
|1 min read
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For governments, moving to the cloud and leveraging open source can offer significant advantages over proprietary, monolithic solutions. But there are also challenges to consider – everything from data sovereignty to choosing the right stack for your use cases. is excited to host a panel of experts who will provide insights and clarity around how governments can successfully make the shift to cloud and open source.
Tuesday, September 22 11am NZT
Join us for a candid discussion between providers across managed services, infrastructure, and application development for examples, strategies, and learnings on successfully migrating government websites to open source and cloud technologies. The panel will be moderated by Toby Bellwood, Product Lead at and former lead of major open Government initiatives, including GovCMS. Panellists include:
Bring any questions you may have and join us in a lively discussion that will be chock-full of valuable takeaways.