Stephanie Ogozaly
Aug 05, 2021
|1 min read
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Did you know more than one million websites run on Drupal?
There are thousands of people contributing to Drupal every day, not to mention the huge numbers of end-users. Needless to say, there’s a lot to celebrate when it comes to Drupal!
On Thursday, 19 August, and Thursday, 11 November 2021, will be joining our fellow Drupal developers and users at DrupalSouth ‘Shorts’ to salute the past 20 years of Drupal and get the scoop on what’s next. The event will have a variety of sessions, including presentations, technical deep dives, roundtable discussions, and a special session on the 19th with Drupal Founder, Dries Buytaert – In Conversation with Dries. is proud to be sponsoring the roundtables and Toby Bellwood, Product Lead Lagoon, will be facilitating the Drupal DevOps discussion at DrupalSouth ‘Shorts’ on 19 August from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM AEST / NZST.
Have questions? Get in touch with us today!