Michael Schmid
Sep 23, 2016
|2 min read min read
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It’s that time again: DrupalCon is looming on the horizon. The DrupalCon session team did an awesome job selecting sessions, the BOF schedule is posted, AirBnBs, hotels, and flights are booked. I can’t wait for next week.
DrupalCon is special. It’s the vibe of this global community coming together all in one place and exchanging knowledge, ideas, and experiences.
This DrupalCon is even more special for me, as it’s the first time we’re showing amazee.io to the European community. We built amazee.io with the European market in mind, and I’m looking forward to meet European organisations to hear to their needs for a good hosting solution.
I’m inviting all of you to stop by at the amazee.io booth #700 in the exhibit hall to talk hosting or just say hello. DrupalCon is about meeting people, so let’s do that.
This will be my 13th DrupalCon, and over the years I gathered a lot of tricks on how to have an awesome experience. Most, other people will also write about, but these are the ones I think are most important:
Go to the prenote before the Driesnote on Tuesday. The Prenote is something magical and is always worth seeing. If you’ve never seen gone before, go.
Go to the BOFs. Sessions are great, but they’re being recorded (and quickly — most are posted by the end of the day), and nothing beats sitting in a circle with other people and talking about real experiences.
There’s a hallway track. The unofficial “track” is simply talking to people at the conference, typically in the hallways between sessions. You’ll be astonished how much you can learn and who you’ll meet this way.
Stay hydrated and be sure to eat. DrupalCon can be super draining.
Read the Code of Conduct. Be nice and treat people like you want to be treated.
Go to the sprints on Friday. Never sprinted before? Don’t worry, there are mentors to guide you through every step of the process. You’ll be a Core contributor within the day!
Explore the city. Talk to the locals, eat the local food and drinks, go on a tour, stay out late. DrupalCon is about Drupal, but it’s also about making memories and getting to know your host city.
Enjoy DrupalCon and I’ll see you there!
- Michael