Michael Schmid
Sep 19, 2018
|1 min read min read
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I’ve attended many Drupal events over the years, but DrupalCon Europe was always very special to me. This year it was called Drupal Europe and organized entirely by this wonderful community. Everyone involved did a great job.
As an entirely volunteer organized event, Drupal Europe 2018 was a success. From the beautiful venue to the multi-track sessions, everything ran smoothly and, maybe most importantly, the coffee was flowing all day.
amazee.io was a sponsor and we had the chance to show demos, have great conversations and give out some special edition stickers and candy.
For me the week was full of community and conversations, exchanging gifts and catching up, discussing our lives and our families. Overall, of course, the conversations always revolve around growing Drupal adoption.
It was in the Drupal community that I first heard the word “coopetition” — a word to summarize the way we can cooperate and compete at the same time. The word, and the spirit behind it, has a good-natured feel to it. It reminds us that while we might be competing, we all have common goals. Even as the community grows and we have even more big players, I still feel the coopetition spirit.
Thank you to all organizers, volunteers, speakers, and attendees for making this a wonderful event, hope to see you all again soon!
- Johanna Bergmann