Michael Schmid
Jul 19, 2022
|2 min read
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amazee.io is thrilled to announce that we are now a Kubernetes-Certified Service Provider (KCSP).
This means a lot to our team, because it demonstrates something publicly that we’ve known for a very long time: Our expert team has the highly-demanded technical skills, certifications, and expertise to serve our customers with the best managed Kubernetes possible.
In other words, we’ve always been able to do Kubernetes well, and it’s just gotten better over time. And now In 2022, we have the certifications to back that up. This is a big milestone for amazee.io, since Kubernetes is such a large part of what we do and why customers love working with us.
Kubernetes isn’t an easy thing to learn or master, either, but our experts have gone above and beyond to stay current, so that our customers can experience the absolute best of the best. This new certification represents our Kubernetes expertise now and in the future, as we remain dedicated to always staying ahead of the curve in containerized hosting.
The KCSP program is a qualification tier to assess service providers who have demonstrated deep experience and knowledge in the Kubernetes space. There are several in-depth requirements necessary to qualify for this certification, which amazee.io has completed.
amazee.io helps companies start using Kubernetes sooner than ever before possible with our managed Kubernetes - which means that developers don’t have to learn or understand Kubernetes right now, because our experts will manage it for them.
amazee.io built and released an open source platform called Lagoon to bridge the gap between developers who don’t know Kubernetes, but really want/need to use it. Lagoon is the main way that we automate the building and deployment pipelines for containerized applications. Lagoon can transform applications from source code into containers, and then deploy it as a Kubernetes cluster.
Since our service is managed, our experts start building and deploying clusters for businesses right away - in whatever infrastructure suits them best. amazee.io’s Kubernetes experts also run and monitor Lagoon 24/7, so upgrades and security issues are handled as well.
Our team manages thousands of workloads on dozens of K8s clusters every single day, all across the globe. We are passionate about Kubernetes, and we are so honored to now have the certification to back up our team’s qualifications.
Want to learn more about our stance on Kubernetes and why it’s so valuable for developers?
Check out some of our recent blog posts and eBooks.